With love beyond telling:
Mary in the opening chapters of the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.
Séamus Enright is a Redemptorist; a preacher and community activist, with an interest in the history of religious life. He has been involved in leadership at local and provincial levels and was involved in continuing formation for many years. He has introduced Redemptorist novices and students in Ireland, the United States and the Philippines to the history of the congregation.
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The Second Half of Life: A journey from Success to Significance
It is only in the second half of life that we truly come to know who we are and thus create a life that has meaning. These days of retreat, rest, renewal will explore ways to embrace our authentic selves as God’s beloved, deepen our most valuable relationships, reclaim our untended talents and refresh our spirit for the years ahead.
Father Hugh Lagan is a priest with the Society of African Missions and a chartered clinical psychologist. He has led retreats and workshops internationally on psychological and spiritual well-being, trauma … Read More >
Buying the Field: Choosing Happiness
We all want a life worth living. This preached retreat will inspire you to allow curiosity and passion to reawaken a renewed sense of purpose, freedom and commitment as participants encounter the invitation from God to move from endurance to acceptance, woundedness to compassion and success to significance. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Father Hugh Lagan is a priest with the Society of African Missions and a chartered clinical psychologist. He has led retreats and workshops internationally on psychological and spiritual well-being, trauma and resilience.
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“Put off your old self … to be made new in the attitude of your minds”
(Ephesians. 4:22)
The Lord is offering us the possibility of being transformed; but we have to be willing to put off our old self. On this Scripture-based retreat let’s hear the transforming Word of God as if for the first time.
Fr. Gerard McCarthy is a member of the Divine Word Missionaries. Since his return from Africa he has been actively involved in the Biblical Apostolate, giving retreats and parish biblical courses.
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Gospel Women, Gospel Men:
Reflections in Painting and Song.
Fr. Tom McGuinness has been a Jesuit since 1965 and has spent most of his ministry engaged with directing the Spiritual Exercises. From 2008-14 he was director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow. He joined the Retreat Team in Manresa in 2015. He has written and recorded a number of reflection songs as one way of exploring the spirituality of St Ignatius.
Sr. Magdalen Lawler is a Sister of Notre Dame, living in London, she is a theologian and art historian. Sr. Magdalen trained at St Beuno’s in 1980 and since then she … Read More >
Farewell and Welcome.
How do we reach the point of responding to the repeated challenge of letting go in life and of embracing, with trust and hope, the unfamiliar? Using Scripture, this retreat will reflect on such an adventure.
Rev. Dr. Ruth Patterson is a Presbyterian minister who for almost 30 years has been Director of Restoration Ministries, a non denominational, Christian organisation committed to peace and reconciliation. In 1976 she was the first woman to be ordained in Ireland and in 2003 was awarded an OBE for her efforts in reconciliation. She has written five books and numerous articles stemming from her … Read More >
“Put off your old self … to be made new in the attitude of your minds”
(Ephesians. 4:22)
The Lord is offering us the possibility of being transformed; but we have to be willing to put off our old self. On this Scripture-based retreat let’s hear the transforming Word of God as if for the first time.
Fr. Gerard McCarthy is a member of the Divine Word Missionaries. Since his return from Africa he has been actively involved in the Biblical Apostolate, giving retreats and parish biblical courses.
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“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son”
(John 3.16)
Sometimes we forget that we are loved by God. During this retreat we will try to grasp the implications of God giving his one and only Son for the life of the world, our world.
Fr. Gerard McCarthy is a member of the Divine Word Missionaries. Since his return from Africa he has been actively involved in the Biblical Apostolate, giving retreats and parish biblical courses.
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