Welcome Back

Greetings from the Sisters and Staff of Ballyvaloo Retreat and Conference Centre.

We are very happy to announce that our Retreat Centre has reopened since July 20th having closed on March 15th due to Covid 19 restrictions.

We are confident that we have put in place all the necessary procedures and practices to ensure the safety of our guests, our staff and ourselves. We have done this in accordance with the “Guidelines for the reopening of “Hotels and Guest Houses” and the “Return to Work Safely Protocol” published by the Government and developed in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland and supported by advice from the HAS, HSE, FSAI, Word Health Organisation and other relevant bodies. We will continue to monitor closely and update our practices and procedures and will amend them as advised by Government. All the Sisters and Staff have all engaged in mandatory hygiene and health and safety training.

We very much regretted having to cancel so many retreats and other events during the lockdown period.  All our retreats had been fully booked with waiting lists.  Should we have any cancellations for our upcoming retreats and places become available, those of you who had your retreat cancelled will be the first to be contacted and offered a place.

Please keep all of us in Ballyvaloo in your prayers, especially during these challenging times. We look forward to welcoming you back to Ballyvaloo in the not too distant future.

With every good wish and blessing
